domingo, 22 de abril de 2007

Cabin Fever

Tired of travelling around South America by bus? Looking for an alternative transportation experience? Try the three-day Navimag CRUISE. Lasting five days and six nights, this exciting journey takes you through some of the remotest spots on earth, where you´ll be surrounded by the stunning scenery of the Chilean fjords. You´ll have to take our word for it though, as chances are there´ll be so much cloud and rain you won´t be able to see a thing (this IS Chile, you know).

You´ll be sharing this barely converted rusty cargo ship with a variety of fascinating companions, including ten trailers full of sheep, cows and horses, bound for the slaughterhouse. You get a great view of them from the dining room windows (NOTE: Dining room is also bar, lecture area, social area and reception). However cramped your cabin may be, at least you´ll be better off than they are!

Among the exciting activities on board, we can offer you the opportunity to sleep, eat, drink powdered coffee or out-of-date beer, listen to lectures about the indigenous people of the area (who we won´t be stopping to meet) or eat a bit more. Some cruises come complete with 185mph wind storms on the pacific which are guaranteed to cause seasickness in the majority of passengers as well as your guide, who will be out of action all day. Ask at booking office for details.

Very few passengers will be fortunate enough to be sharing their cabin with everyone´s favourite Welsh couple Michelle and Andrew, although the gorgeous Frenchman Karim will not be available on all journeys.

For more information about the cruise of a lifetime (trust us, you won´t want to do it again), or for lyrics to the ship´s catchy theme tune, the Stuck On A Boat For Five Days Blues, visit our sister site.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Who is this small world Russ person?

Anónimo dijo...

Smallworld Russ here!

Just a quick question about this chance of a lifetime cruise. I note that last Saturday the region suffered a 6.2 magnitude earthquake and following 8m high waves. During our trip we had to hide away from 185mph winds for two days. Does each cruise come complete with its own natural disaster? Or does the 'Natural Disaster' package cost extra?

Anónimo dijo...

Becks! Nice to hear your evil sarcasm about Niavumag (yes the letters on ny keyboard are erased and I can t be fucked to look fopr the right ones). Your blog is so cool and I can hear your voice when i read it. I also cried when I read the lyrics to the stiuck on a boat blues (I didnt really but it brought back an awesome memory!). Today I ve had to skip Laguna Ibera and though "If I hadn t been stuck on that god damn boat"... then I thought more and reckoned that if I had to do it all over again I would do it the same way. Please keep this blog up to date as I am counting on it to spend good times in the internet cafes with keyboars with blanck keys!

Anónimo dijo...

Hi Beck!! How are you doing???
Nice blog and really nice description of Navimag experience!!! One thing left: Didnt you feel over-fed like the rest of the cattle?? I sarted thinking there was no storm and we were going to be sold in a black market...
A kiss
Iñigo (Spanish teacher)